
(Juneau Empire File)

Community calendar of upcoming events

This is a calendar updated daily of upcoming local events during the coming days provided by the Juneau Arts and Humanities Council, and other contributors.… Continue reading


Page Bridges of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in Juneau. (Photo courtesy of Page Bridges)

Living and Growing: The light of the world

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has dawned upon you.” “What has come into being in him was… Continue reading


Orange apricot muffins ready to eat. (Photo by Patty Schied)

Cooking For Pleasure: Orange apricot muffins for breakfast

A few years ago when I had a bag of oranges and a half eaten bag of dried apricots, I thought a mixture of the… Continue reading


Tari Stage-Harvey is pastor of Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church. (Courtesy photo)

Living and Growing: Watching our words for other people

I could be wrong, but the only time Jesus directly talks about Hell is in Matthew 5:22, “But I say to you that if you… Continue reading

Tari Stage-Harvey is pastor of Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church. (Courtesy photo)
A person walks along the tideline adjacent to the Airport Dike Trail on Thursday. (Laurie Craig / Juneau Empire file photo)

Gimme A Smile: Help me up

I fell on the ice the other day. One minute, I was carefully picking my way along the slippery trail, and the next minute, whoosh,… Continue reading

A person walks along the tideline adjacent to the Airport Dike Trail on Thursday. (Laurie Craig / Juneau Empire file photo)
Brent Merten is the pastor of Christ Lutheran Church, Juneau. (Courtesy photo)

Living and Growing: Imagine the comfort of Jesus’ promise of heaven

Earlier this month, former president Jimmy Carter died at the age of 100. While factors like double-digit inflation, high unemployment and the Iran Hostage Crisis… Continue reading

Brent Merten is the pastor of Christ Lutheran Church, Juneau. (Courtesy photo)
Caesar salad ready to serve. (Photo by Patty Schied)

Cooking For Pleasure: Restaurant-style Caesar salad

When I go to a fine restaurant and Caesar salad is on the menu, it is usually the first thing I order. When I was… Continue reading

Caesar salad ready to serve. (Photo by Patty Schied)
(Photo by Gina Del Rosario)

Living and Growing: Free will

Genesis 1: 26 -28 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish… Continue reading

(Photo by Gina Del Rosario)
Becky Corson is a member of Shepherd Of The Valley Lutheran Church. (Photo provided by Becky Corson)

Living and Growing: ‘Secondhand’ can be a wonderful way to go

These clothing sales are ruining my life. Maybe that’s an overstatement. It’s more that the guilt I’m experiencing is ruining my life. It’s the guilt… Continue reading

Becky Corson is a member of Shepherd Of The Valley Lutheran Church. (Photo provided by Becky Corson)
A sculpture of Constantine the Great by Philip Jackson in York. (Public domain photo republished under a Creative Commons license)

Living and Growing: Christianity or Churchianity?

Several cruise ship passengers arriving in Juneau this September were greeted on the dock with a sign that asked a religious question: “Why Aren’t Christians… Continue reading

A sculpture of Constantine the Great by Philip Jackson in York. (Public domain photo republished under a Creative Commons license)
Szechwan-style fish ready to serve. (Photo by Patty Schied)

Cooking For Pleasure: Fish Szechwan style

Ever since I started writing this column, I have debated whether to include this recipe which I have made for many years. Although complicated to… Continue reading

Szechwan-style fish ready to serve. (Photo by Patty Schied)
Members of the Juneau Ski Team offer cookies and other treats to people in the Senate Mall during this year’s Gallery Walk on Friday, Dec. 6. (Mark Sabbatini / Juneau Empire file photo)

Gimme A Smile: Gifts through the ages

Why is it that once the gift-giving holidays are over and the New Year’s resolutions list comes out, the first thing on the list is… Continue reading

Members of the Juneau Ski Team offer cookies and other treats to people in the Senate Mall during this year’s Gallery Walk on Friday, Dec. 6. (Mark Sabbatini / Juneau Empire file photo)
Fred LaPlante is the pastor at Juneau Church of the Nazarene. (Courtesy photo)

Living and Growing: Reflections from Advent

Do you feel pulled in so many directions this Christmas season? I know I sure have. It is hard to accomplish so many events and… Continue reading

Fred LaPlante is the pastor at Juneau Church of the Nazarene. (Courtesy photo)
A winter’s landscape in the Douglas Island mountains. (Klas Stolpe / Juneau Empire)

Column: The Christmas smile

A holiday remembrance.

A winter’s landscape in the Douglas Island mountains. (Klas Stolpe / Juneau Empire)
(Photo courtesy of Laura Rorem)

Living and Growing: Meaningful belonging

My 57 glorious years with my beloved soul mate, Larry, created a deep sense of emotional security and stability. We truly belonged together. His loving,… Continue reading

(Photo courtesy of Laura Rorem)
Sparse supplies are seen on shelves at the Helping Hands Food Bank during its final days operation in November of 2022, when it was forced to close after 39 years. Other food banks throughout Juneau today are seeing high demand due in part to rising food costs. (Jonson Kuhn / Juneau Empire file photo)

Living and Growing: For those with the bounty of food, family, friends and fortune, think of those without

Unitarian Universalism is a unique religion, in that its members share no common creed. Instead, we search for our own truths while covenanting to share… Continue reading

Sparse supplies are seen on shelves at the Helping Hands Food Bank during its final days operation in November of 2022, when it was forced to close after 39 years. Other food banks throughout Juneau today are seeing high demand due in part to rising food costs. (Jonson Kuhn / Juneau Empire file photo)
The author holds her mother’s hand two hours before she died. (Photo by Gabriella Hebert)

Living and Growing: Spiritual care at end of life

My favorite Gold Creek trail was damaged in one of the 2024 storms that swept through Juneau and altered the creek with a deluge of… Continue reading

The author holds her mother’s hand two hours before she died. (Photo by Gabriella Hebert)
Tortilla casserole ready to serve. (Photo by Patty Schied)

Cooking For Pleasure: Tortilla casserole with leftover turkey

This is a great way to use leftover turkey should you have any remaining from Thanksgiving. If you don’t, this casserole is very flexible in… Continue reading

Tortilla casserole ready to serve. (Photo by Patty Schied)
Brent Merten is the pastor of Christ Lutheran Church, Juneau. (Courtesy photo)

Living and Growing: The most famous person you’ll ever meet

The most famous person I’ve ever met was Gerald R. Ford. It was nearly 30 years ago. I was walking down a corridor at a… Continue reading

Brent Merten is the pastor of Christ Lutheran Church, Juneau. (Courtesy photo)
One of countless classic combinations possible with Thanksgiving leftovers. (Stu Spivack / CC BY-SA 2.0)

Gimme A Smile: Please, take home some leftovers

The holiday season is upon us! Over the next few months, we will be guests at any number of culinary extravaganzas. We will consume more… Continue reading

One of countless classic combinations possible with Thanksgiving leftovers. (Stu Spivack / CC BY-SA 2.0)