No injuries occured, but the house was badly damaged.
Many organizations recommend checking smoke alarm batteries when clocks change.
Workers attempting to remove a lift gate open accidently started the fire.
Brush fire was left burning for hours with locals battling the blaze.
Neighbors helped perform CPR, knock down flames.
They’ve caused thousands of dollars in damage.
He was in the right place at the right time.
Fate of historic home still unknown.
Nobody was home at the time.
Neighbors heard the smoke alarm.
They might start doing it differently soon.
The fire came after an annual fireworks show.
They have a few aspects in common.
It was a busy weekend for authorities.
Thane Ore House is officially no longer.
Don’t leave your food unattended.
It took hundreds of gallons of water to put out.
Capital City Fire/Rescue is looking for high school students to join its cadet program.