Up to two inches of precipitation a day forecast through Monday; Thane Road closing at 6 p.m. Friday
Snow storm made rehearsing, access to instruments, arrival of guest artists doubtful, director says.
Annual Platypus-Con digs 2,300+ games out of storage for event Friday-Sunday at Centennial Hall.
Three decades of capital city coverage.
Long-debated proposal would replace 401(k)-style system; House leaders raise questions about cost.
Leaders still looking at specific options for school consolidation, asking city to cover some costs.
Senate says bill rushed and reckless; House calls it balanced solution to struggling school system.
Warnings issued for avalanche zones, buildings under heavy weight loads and travel on icy roads.
Snow expected to end early Wednesday morning, but traffic and avalanche hazards remain high.
Flag hoisted in recent days part of national movement, partly in response to Pride and other flags
Democratic congresswoman among top nationwide targets of Republicans as she seeks second full term.
Juneau shatters snow record for Jan. 22; forecaster says avalanches “could begin to endanger homes.”
Both Crimson Bears teams score on key plays in closing seconds of back-and-forth contests.
City closed, schools continue remote learning again on Tuesday; Thane Road closing at 8 p.m. Monday.
Bill contains $300 BSA increase, boosts for charter and homeschooling, random audits of districts.
District announces first “winter” remote classes to prevent excessive cancellations due to weather
“We were appallingly poorly informed about our budget projections,” school board president says.
However, rain forecast immediately afterward until next weekend, when it may snow again.
Parent companies of Fred Meyer and Safeway now looking at August instead of March to sign the deal.
House speaker says joint session was procedural move to address constitutional process question.