A familiar face fills the role.
Follow along for live coverage.
Both clubs’ pitchers were on their game.
Kids and adults got to meet first responders.
Not bad for a 6-year-old.
The tourney begins Wednesday.
Campaign website claims 10K signatures gathered.
Scenes from a summer place.
Final bill to go to governor.
Police say there’s no foul play in any of the cases.
Simple question has complicated answer.
Both sides are pleased with contract.
There are more openings than candidates.
The POWER Act gives free legal aid to victims of domestic violence.
Alaska’s senators host stakeholder meeting in Juneau on transboundary mining.
Live updates from the Federal Building.
State health department officials want to take another look at options for running Alaska’s state-owned psychiatric facility, including privatization. The request for proposals was released… Continue reading
A JPD officer shot a man twice during a domestic violence incident.