All the world’s a stage — especially Savikko Park’s Pioneer Pavilion.
Some of the dandelion stems had reached extraordinary lengths.
The show goes on for Perseverance Theatre.
Man-made conflict and natural beauty.
A poem by Miriam Wagoner.
Recipes and instructions for making your own syrup.
A poem by Alexis Ross Miller.
There’s still time for spruce tips.
A poem by Diane DeSloover.
Mistakes or “learning experiences?”
“Doom” Fiona Apple and more.
A poem by Mary Lou Spartz.
“This place is the lungs-of-the-island,” my dad says. “The air is really clean up here.”
A lot has changed almost overnight.
Butterflies, birds and sea stars were seen in early May.
Spiders are generally predatory, with good vision.
Give space while we’re in the grocery store and also while we’re in the wilderness.