If you are concerned about the vaccine, contact your medical provider.
I do not need the government controlling what I wear or my health decisions.
Management of the Tongass’ resources must be based on facts.
The only safe fire to leave is one that is completely out and cold to the touch.
Vaccinated and unvaccinated people should both be playing by the same rules.
As a Vietnam veteran, I am disgusted that history seems to repeat itself…
I am in strong support of the effort to control the spread of COVID-19 in our community.
I hope Senator Murkowski sees how the PRO Act is wrong for Alaska.
We must call our congressional delegates and implore they support HR. 2101 and S. 1167.
The highly subsidized logging industry has been valued over the natural world…
Thank you to Senator Murkowski. Her willingness to compromise will benefit true Alaskans if President Joe Biden’s infrastructure bill passes. I hope her boldness will… Continue reading
What was the point of getting vaccinated if we still need to be shamed into wearing masks?
I hope they remember that 130,000 Alaskans are senior citizens.
I urge Senator Murkowski to make a commitment to our future by confirming Tracy Stone-Stone-Manning.
If more of our politicians were like him, we’d be an extraordinarily better country.
This is a great example of what could be if we had ship-free Saturdays…
Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan should help protect Alaska’s small and independent businesses.
The good news is the solution is at our finger tips.
Together we can have a cleaner cruise industry in our Southeast ports.