Apparently with just the stroke of a pen, President Biden can set laws for the country, raise taxes, put thousands of people out of work… Continue reading
I do not have all the answers, and I do know that Juneau residents can be agents of change.
Until every Juneauite who wants the vaccine is fully immunized, cruise ships shouldn’t be welcomed.
Letter to the editor Fairness legislation
sounds intriguing Deborah Craig’s Jan. 21 My Turn on the Fairness Doctrine suggests a potential solution-in-waiting to some media’s… Continue reading
Mr. Trump incited the riot where American terrorists broke into the Capitol building, did thousands of dollars in damage, brought guns, pipe bombs and ties,… Continue reading
Many of us have found peace and contentment through Al-Anon.
The reason Trump supporters believe the election was stolen is because of an echo chamber of lies.
History Will Be Kind To Jimmy Carter
They should be tried as traitors.
Trillion Trees Act and more.
Is it no wonder why Americans are being benighted help during this pandemic?
Is there a substantial body of evidence?
First pick a number, then go look for a set of projects that add up to that number?
This administration needs to show some leadership, for once.
The virus is taking a toll on our economy, so we’re setting our sights on the 2021 season and beyond.
If the current or future president can’t or won’t say thanks, then you and I should.
The doctors at the World Health Organizations say that we should wear face masks.
This Sunday, Nov. 15, is America Recycles Day. It provides a great opportunity to reevaluate your families’ recycling habits. Every day, recyclable items are turned… Continue reading