Named after a gold miner exploring development opportunities, the city of Juneau has a long history of mining. From the Treadwell to the A.J. to Kensington, there has been no shortage of extraction projects within the borough.
As a young student living in Juneau, I appreciate that mining is part of Juneau’s identity, and can be an important economic catalyst. But I also care fiercely about protecting the health and wellness of this town, and all of Alaska, really. We live in an incredible place with incredible people. We need to protect both.
That’s why it’s crucial that we have strong laws to protect our citizens from the effects of these mines. Social and environmental safeguards are critical to ensuring clean, sustainable business practices, especially in an area that hosts residents and developments so close together.
As you may know, recent proposals to change the Juneau Mining Ordinance attempt to cut out some of those safeguards, like the socioeconomic impact study.
It’s fine to value jobs and business- but these things should never overstep basic values like quality of life and human health.
The subcommittee charged with examining the mining ordinance will be hearing public testimony on Thursday March 1st, at 5:30 P.M. at City Hall. If you care about protecting the health of the borough, please, come out and make your voice heard!
Carly Dennis,
Eagle River