Every 10 years (at least) Alaskans are asked to vote on whether a constitutional convention should be called. Each time throughout history voters have overwhelmingly… Continue reading
It’s a lot easier to pick on the little guy than power company giants.
Alaskans must reward her defense of the truth…
What are the odds a constitutional convention will be anything other than a circus?
Somehow over the past 20 years, the “normal” school experience has changed.
In Alaska, the Inflation Reduction Act offers come game-changing features.
It will better ensure fair, accurate and efficient property tax assessments and collections.
Is the Empire really only interested in the problems faced by small communities?
In March 2017 I had a Commentary published Pacific Fishing Magazine imploring the British Columbia government to do the right thing and clean up and… Continue reading
Walker is the only candidate with the potential to govern effectively for all Alaskans.
The internet has opened doors and pathways to more than we could have ever imagined just a couple of decades ago. It has become hard… Continue reading
It is in Alaska’s best interest to elect a member of the Republican party.
Together we can fight to preserve this pristine place we live.
The issues our state faces are significant with regard to education.
Some argue that the federal government paid out far too much money to too many people under the headline of “pandemic relief aid.” Up to… Continue reading
All in all, we want you to know that you are not alone.
The Thomas Court wants to return us to the days before the 1960s, preferably to 1776.
Sufficient information hasn’t been provided for Cascade Point.
“This is an inappropriate use of public money.”
I would like to thank Governor Dunleavy and the Legislature