Keeping secrets from the public is irresponsible, dishonest and harmful.
The Roadless Rule has become a fight over which wild exaggeration of the facts will prevail.
By Kate Troll Even as the budget talks get close to being settled the PFD question lurks as a possible show stopper. As noted in… Continue reading
Thoughts on potential resolutions.
Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W. Va., is right to oppose H.R. 1, the “For the People Act.”
Alaskans should be mindful of our responsibility to respect our common natural resources.
The best solutions will always be attained by moving forward.
By Ray Metcalfe Almost daily, I read where some legislator is pontificating over what we meant back when we, in the 11th and 12th Legislature,… Continue reading
You don’t need me to tell you that fishing is central to Alaskan life…
Jan. 6 commission vote undermines proposed free speech amendment.
People of the Soviet Union had little except their secret faith in God and hope for a better life.
By Stuart Hallam A metaphor for the cruise lines view of Juneau? In 2016, they dumped just under 650,000 pounds of garbage in Juneau. In… Continue reading
Alaska is still too often warehousing people with a mental illness.
I applaud (adopting the ordinance) but am of the opinion that it does not go far enough.
Before signing any petition, ask for the facts that support their positions.
My memories of WWII, Korea and Vietnam all have faces.
Voters first need a well-developed analysis.
The assembly can still reconsider property tax relief.
We don’t have to ban cruise tourism, but do need to eliminate the greatest risks to our communities.
If these initiatives pass, what kind of future are we leaving for our children?