In the Empire’s May 7 article, Norwegian Cruise Line’s Howard Sherman, executive vice-president onboard revenue and destination development, reinforced many of the points of the… Continue reading
Voters need an independent assessment of the financial impact
“We have the power to make this right.”
“How lucky I am to be here—in America!”
May is Mental Health Awareness month.
COVID has possibly made you more important to foster youth than ever.
The economic value of training and education is abundantly clear
“It’s not going to happen any other way.”
We strongly agree that our energy security and delivering clean, low-cost power is a public interest
Token improvements aren’t anything to brag about.
What will happen to our economy if we lose say $200 million in tourism spending?
The initiatives would permanently extend the crushing economic consequences wrought by the pandemic.
That seems like an important discussion to me.
Every American should ask themselves three questions
Let’s give our travelers and our current and future residents reasons to choose us.
House Bill 5 would do that.
We look forward to continuing the conversation about Juneau’s energy future.
Let’s bring all hands on deck and get to work.
Now is the perfect time to rethink before we restart
By Liz Perry Travel Juneau has one mission: market the community to conventions, groups, and independent travelers. While we’re charged with putting “heads in beds,”… Continue reading