This is a law creating transparency.
The war we must fight now is COVID-19.
We are at another moment of grave threat from an erratic, delusional, self-destructive megalomaniac
The stakes have never been so important.
Here’s why it makes sense.
Administering NEPA that way is dishonest and lazy
It doesn’t need to be this way
Those natural resources of our frontier state are oil, gas, minerals, fish, timber and tourism.
Alaskans should not be intimidated out of a fair share for our oil.
Upcoming ballot measures “actually pose a threat to Alaskan values and our economic well-being.”
As if 2020 hasn’t been enough already!
Let’s look at what he actually does.
To address pandemic and climate change, listen to science and mobilize our nation’s resources.
By Greg Smith It has been almost a year since I was elected to the Juneau Assembly. What a year it has been: a once-in-a-century… Continue reading
The president and the Congress must honor the will of the people.
For the good of Alaska and the future of the state, please vote no on Proposition 1.
This is not a rush decision to be made in a month before election.
The pandemic has caused more U.S. deaths in a year than in all U.S. conflicts since the Civil War.
A message from some North Dakota grandmas.
There’s only one choice for this Marine and others who treasure our democracy.