The price of allowing these partisan elections to continue is too high for Alaskans.
How much change is warranted and what is the best way to accomplish it?
Let us look to what we already have.
I am hopeful that all of us will stand up to efforts to undermine the effectiveness the USPS.
It’s time to Veto Pebble Mine.
Here’s what could be done instead.
I think most Alaskans agree that a cornerstone of our democracy is our right to vote.
Economic despair among the underclass is at heart of recent unrest.
During these uncertain times, we shouldn’t also worry about potential bankrupting litigation.
If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that it we need a team of leaders in the White House
Here in Alaska, we depend on the Postal Service more than other states. The Postal Service delivers goods that we cannot purchase locally. The Postal… Continue reading
This radical socialist rhetoric is the main cause of violent unrests and riots in our country today.
If we all do our part, it will spare us from inestimable losses.
“Mother Earth will provide for your needs but not your greed.”
Ballot Measure 1 would create a road block to recovery
It could help avert future crisis.
Alaskans should make the intelligent distinction between party loyalists and proactive opponents.
It’s time to stop withdrawing from treaties and international agreements.
If we believe children come first, then fears must be overcome in favor of science and common sense.
Regardless of who wins in November, do you think nastiness and divisiveness will suddenly cease?