You can have your cake and eat it too — you just have to pay for the cake.
Alaska government ‘investments’ versus ‘expenditures.’
We must keep UA from permanent harm due to lack of funding.
Our democracy cannot properly function on distrust.
Congress can find a bipartisan way to formerly condemn Trump.
America is helping to make the humanitarian crisis worse.
A red flag law could address Alaska’s epidemic of gun violence.
Our leadership doesn’t have the luxury of making emotional decisions.
Using marijuana at a store is different than having a beer at the Red Dog.
Bill in Alaska Legislature ensures a level playing field.
Earth must be treated as a home for all, not a resource for rich, powerful nations.
They are the most important issue this legislative session.
Alaska stands to benefit as much as any other state.
Management decisions must promote collaboration, not rivalry.
Get on the bandwagon before it’s too late.
State departments will be proactive, continue to sample water in communities.
The world is counting on us.
New report shows how it can perform and enhance Juneau.