Veterans’ health benefits shouldn’t be sold to the lowest bidder.
Scientists must shift focus to climate change, not outer space.
Protecting Alaska’s environment is a sober challenge.
Don’t blame the wrong former governor.
It’s time to protect the future of our airport.
“Open for business” or “business as usual?”
The Roadless Rule might be part of the problem.
It’s been almost two months since the murder of 11 Jews in Pittsburgh.
It becomes easier to play the victim card than try to understand another’s viewpoint.
Our nation’s security and future seem so uncertain.
A man and his best friend.
This is how successful leaders have been effective.
There’s no need for another state loan program.
Every year should be a Year of Kindness.
When we hear the word library, many of us remember the library of our childhood — a silent space where children listen to stories and… Continue reading
For safety of Alaskans disallow public cannabis use.
“How on earth did we get here?”
Lessons to be gleaned from the seismic event.
The holiday season is in full swing. This is the busiest time of the year at the Glory Hall, Juneau’s emergency shelter, soup kitchen and… Continue reading
I have not gotten used to one looming thing: male entitlement.