
A colorful pile of snow at sunset.

Photos: Art in Unusual Places

The Capital City Weekly welcomes reader-submitted images of art in unusual or unexpected places. Photographers of all levels of ability are invited to send in… Continue reading

A colorful pile of snow at sunset.
Katie and Lacie of the Royal Yin Yang Seals form Auke Bay Elementary School prepare their robot for a mission during the 10th Annual Robot Jamboree competition. The competition was held at Centennial Hall Saturday afternoon.

Photos: Robot competition

Brickbusters 3.0 and fans look on as their robot completes its mission during the 10th Annual Robot Jamboree competition. The competition was held Saturday afternoon… Continue reading

Katie and Lacie of the Royal Yin Yang Seals form Auke Bay Elementary School prepare their robot for a mission during the 10th Annual Robot Jamboree competition. The competition was held at Centennial Hall Saturday afternoon.
Christy Newell and her daughter, Ava, hunkers out of the wind and rain to enjoy their Coppa ice cream on Front Street during Gallery Walk on Friday, Dec. 2, 2016.

Photos: Gallery Walk

Carl Liberty keeps the winds from blowing away a portable rain shelter at Manuel Hernandez, aka DJ Manu, keeps the music going on Front Street… Continue reading

Christy Newell and her daughter, Ava, hunkers out of the wind and rain to enjoy their Coppa ice cream on Front Street during Gallery Walk on Friday, Dec. 2, 2016.
Floyd Dryden Middle School's Jackson Stanley (13) shoots over Dzantik'i Heeni Middle School's Owen Castello (25) during the Icebreaker Tournament held at DHMS on Friday.
Floyd Dryden Middle School's Jackson Stanley (13) shoots over Dzantik'i Heeni Middle School's Owen Castello (25) during the Icebreaker Tournament held at DHMS on Friday.

Photos: Four-car accident blocks Egan Drive

A multi-vehicle accident at the Fred Meyer intersection blocks Egan Drive in both directions just as rush hour started on Friday. According to the Juneau… Continue reading

Ellie Carpenter sings as Oomiak during rehearsal of King Island Christmas at the Juneau Arts & Culture Center on Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2016. The musical is playing at the JACC Thursday through Saturday at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 3 p.m. This year's production is a fundraiser for the United Way of Southeast Alaska.

Photos: King Island Christmas

Myron Welling leads a cast of singers as Ooloranna during rehearsal of King Island Christmas at the Juneau Arts & Culture Center on Wednesday. The… Continue reading

Ellie Carpenter sings as Oomiak during rehearsal of King Island Christmas at the Juneau Arts & Culture Center on Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2016. The musical is playing at the JACC Thursday through Saturday at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 3 p.m. This year's production is a fundraiser for the United Way of Southeast Alaska.
Pianist Sue Kazama reheases with the Juneau Bach Society at Northern Lights United Church on Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2016. The Society performs its annual holiday concerts Saturday, Dec. 3 at8 p.m. at Northern Light United Church and Sunday, Dec. 4 at 3 p.m. at Chapel by the Lake.

Photos: Bach Society

Vocal soloists Jessica Skiba sings Bach’s Cantata 70, Watch! Pray! Pray! Watch! during rehearsal by at Northern Lights United Church on Tuesday. The Society performs… Continue reading

Pianist Sue Kazama reheases with the Juneau Bach Society at Northern Lights United Church on Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2016. The Society performs its annual holiday concerts Saturday, Dec. 3 at8 p.m. at Northern Light United Church and Sunday, Dec. 4 at 3 p.m. at Chapel by the Lake.
National Honor Society students from Thunder Mountain High School, under the supervision of Carol May, helped St. Vincent de Paul's package and distribute 350 Thanksgiving meals in three days.

Photos: Thanksgiving helpers

National Honor Society students from Thunder Mountain High School, under the supervision of Carol May, helped St. Vincent de Paul package and distribute 350 Thanksgiving meals… Continue reading

National Honor Society students from Thunder Mountain High School, under the supervision of Carol May, helped St. Vincent de Paul's package and distribute 350 Thanksgiving meals in three days.
Blaine Hollis brushes off a dusting of snow on his car at the Mendenhall Mall on Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2016.

Photos: Snow at last

Charlie Feeney waits for a Capital Transit bus as it starts to snow at the Mendenhall Mall on Tuesday.… Continue reading

Blaine Hollis brushes off a dusting of snow on his car at the Mendenhall Mall on Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2016.
Swirls of ice form in new ice at Mendenhall Lake on Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2016.

Photos: Ice patterns

Swirls of ice form in new ice at Mendenhall Lake on Wednesday.… Continue reading

Swirls of ice form in new ice at Mendenhall Lake on Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2016.
Thunder Mountain's Connor Norman gasps for breath after defeating Ketchikan's Patrick Rauwolf in a 113 weight bout in the Brandon Pilot Tournament at TMHS on Friday.

Photos: Brandon Pilot Tournament

Juneau-Douglas’ Steven Ireland-Haight, right, topples Ketchikan’s Nolan Meyer in a 160 weight bout in the Brandon Pilot Tournament at TMHS on Friday.… Continue reading

Thunder Mountain's Connor Norman gasps for breath after defeating Ketchikan's Patrick Rauwolf in a 113 weight bout in the Brandon Pilot Tournament at TMHS on Friday.
Actors Enrique Bravo, left, Cate Ross, center, and Shelley Virginia rehearse for Perseverance Theatre's production of "Not Medea."

Photos: Perseverance Theatre’s ‘Not Medea’

Actors Shelley Virginia and Enrique Bravo rehearse for Perseverance Theatre’s production of “Not Medea.”… Continue reading

Actors Enrique Bravo, left, Cate Ross, center, and Shelley Virginia rehearse for Perseverance Theatre's production of "Not Medea."
Corin Hughes_Skandijs performs as a member of Club Baby Seal at the sold-out stand up comedy performance at Gold town Nickelodeon on Saturday.

Photos: Club Baby Seal performs

The comedy group performed to a sold-out show at the Gold Town Nickelodeon on Saturday night.… Continue reading

Corin Hughes_Skandijs performs as a member of Club Baby Seal at the sold-out stand up comedy performance at Gold town Nickelodeon on Saturday.
Beth Kerttula, left, and Sudie Hargis share a laugh during an award ceremony at District 17 headquarters in the Federal Building on Friday. Hargis as given the Commander's Award for Civilian Service for her work while assigned as the Tribal Liaison Speciallist for District 17 since 2012. Hargis is retiring from the Coast Guard after serving as an active duty officer from 1887 to 1994, and numerous other positions as a civilian. Former Rep. Kerttula was presented the Coast Guard Distinguished Public Service Award for outstanding service as Director of the National Ocean Council from May 2014 to June 2016.

Photos: Coast Guard awards

Beth Kerttula, left, and Sudie Hargis share a laugh during an award ceremony at District 17 headquarters in the Federal Building on Friday. Hargis as… Continue reading

Beth Kerttula, left, and Sudie Hargis share a laugh during an award ceremony at District 17 headquarters in the Federal Building on Friday. Hargis as given the Commander's Award for Civilian Service for her work while assigned as the Tribal Liaison Speciallist for District 17 since 2012. Hargis is retiring from the Coast Guard after serving as an active duty officer from 1887 to 1994, and numerous other positions as a civilian. Former Rep. Kerttula was presented the Coast Guard Distinguished Public Service Award for outstanding service as Director of the National Ocean Council from May 2014 to June 2016.
Eaglecrest General Manager Matt Lillard checks the quality of the snow while running a snow making machine for the first time this season on Tuesday. The temperature was about 29 degrees.

Photos: What’s the white stuff?

Eaglecrest General Manager Matt Lillard checks the quality of the snow while running a snow making machine for the first time this season on Tuesday.… Continue reading

Eaglecrest General Manager Matt Lillard checks the quality of the snow while running a snow making machine for the first time this season on Tuesday. The temperature was about 29 degrees.
Vince Nizich, right, examines a starfish during a class field trip by Semra Deaner's Auke Bay Elementary School kindergarten class to Douglas Island Pink and Chum salmon hatchery on Monday.

Photos: DIPAC fieldtrip

Vince Nizich, right, examines a starfish during a class field trip by Semra Deaner’s Auke Bay Elementary School kindergarten class to Douglas Island Pink and… Continue reading

Vince Nizich, right, examines a starfish during a class field trip by Semra Deaner's Auke Bay Elementary School kindergarten class to Douglas Island Pink and Chum salmon hatchery on Monday.
Kayhi volleyball players Leah Benning,

Photos: High school volleyball

Photos of TMHS versus Kayhi, and JDHS versus Kayhi.… Continue reading

Kayhi volleyball players Leah Benning,
Capital City Fire/Rescue firefighters Cheyenne Sanchez, left, and Andrew Wheeler man a safety hose as they watch a simulated airplane fire at the Hagevig Regional Fire Training Center on Wednesday.

Photos: Simulated airplane fire

Capital City Fire/Rescue firefighters Cheyenne Sanchez, left, and Andrew Wheeler man a safety hose as they watch a simulated airplane fire at the Hagevig Regional… Continue reading

Capital City Fire/Rescue firefighters Cheyenne Sanchez, left, and Andrew Wheeler man a safety hose as they watch a simulated airplane fire at the Hagevig Regional Fire Training Center on Wednesday.
Nino Kafoa Maka puts local boy Zachary Oldaker in a submission hold in Friday nights Ak Beat Down Main Event fight at Elizabeth Peratrovich Hall.
Nino Kafoa Maka puts local boy Zachary Oldaker in a submission hold in Friday nights Ak Beat Down Main Event fight at Elizabeth Peratrovich Hall.