The Capital City Weekly welcomes reader-submitted images of art in unusual or unexpected places. Photographers of all levels of ability are invited to send in… Continue reading
Brickbusters 3.0 and fans look on as their robot completes its mission during the 10th Annual Robot Jamboree competition. The competition was held Saturday afternoon… Continue reading
Carl Liberty keeps the winds from blowing away a portable rain shelter at Manuel Hernandez, aka DJ Manu, keeps the music going on Front Street… Continue reading
A multi-vehicle accident at the Fred Meyer intersection blocks Egan Drive in both directions just as rush hour started on Friday. According to the Juneau… Continue reading
Myron Welling leads a cast of singers as Ooloranna during rehearsal of King Island Christmas at the Juneau Arts & Culture Center on Wednesday. The… Continue reading
Vocal soloists Jessica Skiba sings Bach’s Cantata 70, Watch! Pray! Pray! Watch! during rehearsal by at Northern Lights United Church on Tuesday. The Society performs… Continue reading
National Honor Society students from Thunder Mountain High School, under the supervision of Carol May, helped St. Vincent de Paul package and distribute 350 Thanksgiving meals… Continue reading
Charlie Feeney waits for a Capital Transit bus as it starts to snow at the Mendenhall Mall on Tuesday.… Continue reading
Swirls of ice form in new ice at Mendenhall Lake on Wednesday.… Continue reading
Juneau-Douglas’ Steven Ireland-Haight, right, topples Ketchikan’s Nolan Meyer in a 160 weight bout in the Brandon Pilot Tournament at TMHS on Friday.… Continue reading
Actors Shelley Virginia and Enrique Bravo rehearse for Perseverance Theatre’s production of “Not Medea.”… Continue reading
The comedy group performed to a sold-out show at the Gold Town Nickelodeon on Saturday night.… Continue reading
Beth Kerttula, left, and Sudie Hargis share a laugh during an award ceremony at District 17 headquarters in the Federal Building on Friday. Hargis as… Continue reading
Eaglecrest General Manager Matt Lillard checks the quality of the snow while running a snow making machine for the first time this season on Tuesday.… Continue reading
Vince Nizich, right, examines a starfish during a class field trip by Semra Deaner’s Auke Bay Elementary School kindergarten class to Douglas Island Pink and… Continue reading
Photos of TMHS versus Kayhi, and JDHS versus Kayhi.… Continue reading
Capital City Fire/Rescue firefighters Cheyenne Sanchez, left, and Andrew Wheeler man a safety hose as they watch a simulated airplane fire at the Hagevig Regional… Continue reading